Relating to my own experience I am always interested into projects, which attempt to make use of new media techniques for their realization. To establish a blog aside a current undertaking meanwhile almost became a common habit. Thus not so many of these projects really managed to make appropriate use of the tools they occupied […]Read More
Cinema Redux by Brendan Dawes is an attempt to get a visual analysis of a film by reducing it to a single image. The artist himself describes his work the following: This explores the idea of distilling a whole film down to one single image. Using eight of my favourite films from eight of my […]Read More
Some online research after coming across this nice and unexpected Wittgenstein quote “In the actual use of expressions we make detours, we go by side-roads. We see the straight highway before us, but of course we cannot use it, because it is permanently closed.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, 1953) lead me to another interesting piece […]Read More
“A line for the pleasure of being a line, of going ahead, as a line. Points. Dust of points. A line is dreaming. Before then, no one had ever let a line dream.” This quote of H.Michaux from ‘Adventures of Lines’ (org. ‘Aventures de lignes’) opens Laura U.Marks essay ‘Taking a line for a walk, […]Read More
During my recent visit to London at the end of March I spent some time at the ‘Altermodern’ show at the Tate, I came across the work of Lindsay Seers for the first time. Was it indeed the first time? The work addresses a deeper level of memento and recalls that type of memory, where […]Read More
After the Yes Men / NGO last’s year coup of handing out a fake version of the New York Times now the german anti-globalization group ATTAC imitated the weekly magazine ‘Die Zeit’. The fake pages can be downloaded as pdf or read online (sorrily only in german). img via further links: reuters: indiamediaspace_09 link […]Read More
The current exhibition ‘While I Sleep‘ of Shilpa Gupta, a young indian artist known for her multi-layered works, seems to draw from an interesting field and ambitious sources. Shilpta Gupta generally is know for her open minded usage of media, which attempts to put the content into a relevant relation. Gupta not only targets traditional […]Read More
As we speak about change today – why not take a look at the ‘Handbook for changing our World‘? ‘A Radical Guide to Ethical and Sustainable Living’ Climate change, resource wars, privatisation, the growing gap between rich and poor, politicians that don’t listen. Massive issues, but how can we make any difference? This book shows […]Read More
The Daily Show of the 6 January covered the Gaza assault: The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Strip Maul *Requires flash player version 10 via ai and many othersRead More
A shocking UN report on Gaza has been published with today: A humanitarian and protection crisis unfolding (pdf via Spiegel online) Since the Israeli military operation “Cast lead†began on 27 December until 8 January (4:00PM), 758 Palestinians have been killed—approximately 42% of whom were women (60) and children (257) according to the Palestinian Ministry […]Read More
Today’s issue of the taz (die tageszeitung) republishes an article by Uri Avnery, who analyzes from within Israel, how there was never a real ceasefire, how a cruel experiment of maximum endurance of misery was put on a whole population under the eyes and with the help of the whole world. He describes, how the […]Read More
Daniel Barenboim gives a New Year’s comment on the guardian online edition and makes clear that: … The developments of the last few days are extremely worrisome to me for reasons of humane and political natures. While it is self-evident that Israel has the right to defend itself, that it cannot and should not tolerate […]Read More
a bansky painting from a slide show on spiegel online/ another row of images on the theme can be looked up at In the West Bank, Israel’s security barrier has started to resemble the western side of the Berlin Wall. The Israeli side is bleak and clean, but on the Palestinian side graffiti can […]Read More
What makes a woman an icon? is an art project by De Geuzen which explores the constitution of a woman as an icon: The aesthetic of this project’s archive reinforces the idea that an icon or representation is in itself a way of seeing. Seeing the symmetrical grid of images almost evoke a sense of […]Read More