I always liked Friederike Mayröcker writings .. and this is a perfect beginning of a film I would wish to see …. soon .. DAS SCHREIBEN UND DAS SCHWEIGEN – Trailer >>> website of the filmmakerRead More
I know, I should have been writing more with all the dancing on my mind from the stimulating Tanz im August event, and I hope I will get to it the next days. Though first I want to focus on the quite moving event with Robert Wilson’s hommage (german audio on demand link) to the […]Read More
Some weeks ago I really could imagine how she felt …. “When I first came to new York it was so unbearable hot. It’s the feeling that your body is going to disintegrate and the body as material. …” (link) and coming across the announcement of the upcoming NYC performances I discovered these really interesting […]Read More
.. a fascinating story comes to one very visible result, where the reconstruction of a former site was an important factor of participation: Cinema Jenin, one of Palestine’s largest and most impressive movie houses, is re-opening today thanks to international support after remaining closed for more than 20 years since the first Intafada in 1987. […]Read More
A visit to Munich, chance and a good friend brought me to see a show, which really impressed me by its careful and light compositions … and – stays on my mind – a sign, which does not happen to often. A desire to memorize the seen and share the experience, brings that to my […]Read More
A strange trailer was the best I could find to bring over a feeling for a film hard to be described. May be the closest description is indeed to favor its strong feminine point of view – women looked at in their unique characteristics, restrictions, and ways they find for their desires. A deep melancholy […]Read More
… cannot say much more at the moment, as that I definitely want to see this exhibition at the Schirn in Frankfurt! “Celloluid. Cameraless Film” at the Schirn, Frankfurt a.M., Germany The exhibition “Celluloid. Cameraless Film” the Schirn, Frankfurt, focuses on a particular art film genre … .. in which footage is produced by creating […]Read More
or ‘The Processual of Daily Life through Expressions of Art’ *quote by Eva Hesse: “I would like the work to be non-work. This means that it would find its way beyond my preconceptions…It is the unknown quantity from which and where I want to go. As a thing, an object, it accedes to its non-logical […]Read More
I just HAVE to reblog this, as it is such a beautiful and enlightening post on Sexual Milestones of Old Hollywood. I found it on gawker.com, which refers to filmsite and other great film-related sites and simply should not be forgotten that quickly within the worldwide ww.Read More
Sometimes it might seem that this blog is side-stepping, even to myself, but then I recall the ‘gap’ is also always been about the gap in general and any meaning and as well especially about media. One could now wonder why especially Germany produced and aired an ambitious TV-documentary about the Armenian genocide. Though seeing […]Read More
There is obviously still a lot of interest in the weaving of the myth of Berlin inheriting all these lost, forgotten and abandoned places. And true, there are a lot of free, unused, abandoned, shut off, … places – especially for a location, which is regarded, though kind of north-east, definitely as part of the […]Read More
Though I really enjoyed watching the new Tim Burton version in 3D – despite some critical points one could add, but are out there anyway – it is so worth to look up and focus a bit on some older versions. One amazing find has been made by the BFI – the British Film Institute […]Read More