Out of Zana Briski’s project Kids with cameras developed the film Born into Brothels which just won an oscar for the best documetary. (early report on WorldChanging) Kids with Cameras is proud to work with Red Light Films on the award-winning documentary that shows how our organization started: “In Calcutta’s red light district appear a […]Read More
An upcoming event about Ruins of Modernity looks at the symptoms and effects ruination stands for especially in the dialectical process modernity is related to – as a steady shifting between mythology and self – destruction. Included in the presentations and lectures is a new film in which Detroit again is the research object of […]Read More
… as some excerpts from the known text of Marc Augés (1995) link me to the online project by visual lab (Berlin no-space image on the right from their project database), which undertakes the effort to do a research between visual approaches and social analysis in new configurations of urban systems. But there are other […]Read More
Interesting point to focus on: for the second time ars electronica 2005 will have a section on ‘Digital Communities’. According to the enclosed statement of Howard Rheingold the skill to form digital communities and impact they have can not be reduced to a simple and one sided focus of the technical: Building community in cyberspace […]Read More
Space Imaging’s IKONOS satellite took the following six images Jan. 18, 2005 – approximately three weeks after the devastating tsunami hit the west coast of the Aceh province, Sumatra. The images show tidal wave damage to agricultural fields, shorelines, bridges, roads and structures, altered tree lines and other vegetation stripped away by the tsunami’s swath. […]Read More
This review (for which to read one sorrily has to be a member of rhizome) on transmediale works and intentions brought me back to rethink the works, which ironically were set up in a smaller passage way between the main exhibition platforms and an open lecture area. Works like the known makrolab project, the just […]Read More
… a proposal of temporary shelters using outlet air for the survival of homeless people … There is “tension” between a host and its parasite, since the host endeavours to get rid of the foreign body, while the parasite employs new ways to maintain the connection with the host.7 (link)Read More
Nebula, 1996, Helen Chadwick, image via It is a positive surprise to find Helen Chadwick quite a few times listed and recent publications on her work, thus memorizing the special sensation an encounter with her work left at the time, when she still had been around – introducing an ambivalence along a fine line between […]Read More
Natalie Jeremijenko’s work merges engineering, biology and art to explore socio-political hot spots along the fault line where design meets information meets society. An interview with her is available at WorldChanging. It shows well the attitude of her work and links her own work to her teaching and the project howstuffismade, which started at a […]Read More
This website on photographers and pioneers in animation shows a reversal of Muybridge‘s exact analysis of movement and reanimates single still images into an ongoing process like in work, rest & play , also look for horse in motion and the moving forward link. The site is linked to from chronographical projections a listing of […]Read More
Hany Abu-Assad’s film Paradise now , which follows for the period of 24 hours two friends living during an oppressive political crisis, who seek to make choices that will impact on a future they no longer believe in, has attracted quite some attention at the Berlinale festival. It won the Blue Angel award for best […]Read More
imagine a position amidst – quite there: … from this generated tapestry of visualisations emerges the projection engendered on the screen within … The following is an excerpt from an text by Norman Klein published on the new journal format of reblog: We also know that Freud and Jung ate in New York’s Chinatown that […]Read More
Looking up a favorite quote I have kept in mind for a while … “In considering perception, we shall not say, for example, ‘I see a tree,’ because the tree [as such] is not within our explanatory system. At best, it is only possible to see an image which is a complex but systematic transform […]Read More
via alternet.org: WMD: The Movie Synopsis: There were two wars going on in Iraq – one was fought with armies of soldiers, bombs and a fearsome military force. The other was fought alongside it with cameras, satellites, armies of journalists and propaganda techniques. One war was rationalized as an effort to find and disarm WMDs […]Read More