.. of this blog might still not work perfectly. As I just found out that the comments were turned off – at least it was a spam free period !!! … There are also still bugs in my css leading to misbehaviour in the categories and archive sections. I am really planning to get ride […]Read More
space in the age of non-place in this article in the recent issue of drain with topic on deterritorialization Ian Buchanan takes on a journey from his definition of postmodern uncoded, thus deterritorializing non-places on to the ‘over-coded’ space which tries to reterritorialize the disoriented ‘traveller’: Disorientation brought on by the disembedding process requires in […]Read More
.. while the blog gets updated to wordpress 1.5 and hopefully a modification on some bugs …..[wordpress 1.5 (via)] Meanwhile enjoy the very early tiny animation movie of Alice and the firfighters (real video) with implemented realtime elements and the support of Paul Dessau‘s music. (from arte)Read More
(apologies for long excerpts: entire text can be found here) .. an attempt to render the air breathable again is contained in the following farce suggested by P. Sloterdijk: … He imagined that the U.S. Air Force should have added to its military paraphernalia an “inflatable Parliament” which could be parachuted at the rear of […]Read More
A new exhibition project by the ZKM announced under that title Making Things Public-Atmopheres of Democracy will be opened saturday 19. Initiated by Peter Weibel and Bruno Latour the project is described as an experiment in defining an assembly of assemblies according to Latour’s introduction for the voluminous catalog as: In many ways our exhibition […]Read More
This new film made by the israeli filmmaker Eran Riklis, who wrote the script in collaboration with the Palestinian scriptwriter Suha Arraf already has been touring the world and picking up awards at European and Canadian film festivals. Though the film is called The Syrian Bride, the story is about much more than the title […]Read More
.. Arte Povera [Impoverished Art], a term taken from the Impoverished Theatre of the Polish playwright Jerzy Grotowsky by the art critic G.Celant for the works of young italian artists in the 60s and early 70s might has taken its energy from within a network of urban cultural activity of that time – one of […]Read More
… with their eventual possibilities and obvious failures are in contrary (to the earlier post today) memorized in the recent post at smart mobs recalling Madrid / March 11: In the immediate aftermath of the Madrid bombings, people who didn’t buy the ruling party’s initial claims that the terrorists were Basque nationalists used the many-to-many […]Read More
.. there is some unwanted irony in this reversal of technological appliance: after all the efforts taken to interconnect these floatables want to occur as disconnected islands which create room for ‘exclusive connections‘ .. (via) The data that portrays our lives and lifestyles is accessible by so many individuals and organisations that it can longer […]Read More
… can also refer to the initiation of a reaction … relinking me back to a recent post on N.Klein’s essay Inside the Stomach of the Dragon: The Victory of the Entertainment Economy on reblog journal We all essentially live inside the stomach of the “entertainment” dragon. As a result, it would be near impossible […]Read More
The works of the inflatables by A. Rewakowicz posted here brought up the term of cultural displacement and just these days I came across the recent article of Darko Suvin on Displaced Persons in New Left Review where he is more specificly looking into the subject of exiles, èmigrés, expatriates and refugees, as well as […]Read More
Chris Barr is available on Thursdays is a performance project accepting instructions via website visitors ‘to investigate issues of authorship and collaboration, body and self as commodity, and artist as social organizer’.While the scedule can be viewed and edited via the website documentary material will only be collected through the audience.Read More
Another artist (see inflatables_1) working with inflatable nomadic homes is Ana Rewakowicz, who defines her work as related to cultural displacement – ‘exploring the relations between temporal, portable architecture, the body and the environment in a culture and society of global and technological developments’. The website of her recent exhibition can be viewed here (sorrily […]Read More
– ambientTV.NET understands itself as a space and tool providing facility for networked performance: The performance incorporates geographically distant real spaces into the theatre space. The narrative grows out of telematic feedback, and the interplay between real spaces and imaginary realms. Daily life’s occupation – Streetwalking, food preparation or conversing – are presented as a […]Read More