.. meant in my usage this should hint to the way that Europe (and eventually especially Germany with its high percentage of people form turkish descent) is just overdue to find a way to deal with ‘the other’ living amongst and very close in every aspect and yet still so far … so it can […]Read More
The french filmmaker Simone Bitton has made a silent, though insisting interogation on the situation created through the continuing construction of the israeli ‘fence’ in her film ‘mur’ (film website) It is an eternal scene. From far away, the camera shows buildings made of white stones, a minaret, and maybe a church; and the camera […]Read More
UPDATE on Mind the Map – as the other day find was just a sticker with a nice slogan – here now further info: Under the leadership of Marina Gržinić, Günther Heeg and Veronika Darian, an international group of academics and young theoreticians from eastern and western Europe are elaborating ideas of exchange and communication […]Read More
– what we do to others Artur Å»mijewski’s replay ‘repetition’ – currently shown at the Venice Biennale – follows the famous Stanford Prison Experiment and equally to the analysis he excerpts from his experiment of ‘repetition’, it draws an actual line on its website through a link of collected publications on the recent abuse of […]Read More
Patricia Fara’s title Pandora’s Breeches: Women, Science and Power in the Enlightenment looks ‘beyond’ the official described scenes and sheds light on the women behind ‘great men’ in the world of science – at least during periods of the 18th century when the female part of society still had access to the labaratorium as it […]Read More
.. not intended to write on that – but as not having my usual internet set-up at the moment – I was that nicely surprised by delicious the new convenience in having the tags displayed and easy to select at the post-it site. Hopefully that will help someone like me to keep the own categorizational […]Read More
Peter Luining talks on his work and offers some interesting insights into computer related works – or better the difficulties of acceptance within the art scene and failure of the people working in computer related fields (in or close to the art scene) for not establishing a discourse as reasons why this specific sector did […]Read More
.. still Berlin, but from another angle … and some green in the direct view out … Not that Berlin – for its size – isn’t fairly green, but to have some in front of one’s window … is just new to me here. It ‘s more likely to look into one of the famous […]Read More
….relating to new tendencies emerging through influences of technics fits also this interesting post on maps at Designobserver: The Flickr map is, of course, a macro view of the world. The micro perspective of internet connectivity, its DNA if you will, is harder to get at — and why the map of Enron e-mail above, […]Read More
Clay Shirky has a nice article on how the electronic world questions and changes categorization systems versus the emerging strategies of tagging. He establishes a fine line of explanation on how the seemingly non-systemic naming systems developed mainly through user adaption create new possibilities in adressing and connecting issues and themes. … The signal loss […]Read More
From the list of artists mentioned there seems not to be too much new to see there .. but the angle of view intrigued me: as the description makes it look like an attempt to get to the point of turn or shift – laying bare all the inherent ambivalence – and still try to […]Read More