The idea of Matt Butler was to develope a processible translation which would be comparable to the structure of the early conceptual work ‘Schema‘ of Dan Graham into a consequent machine readable – thus in this case XML Code – version. M.Butler’s motor for the conversion can be traced in the reduced and highly concentrated […]Read More
via urban cartograhy comes the link for the upcoming show (at Queens Museum) relating to Gordon Matta Clark’s Reality Properties: Fake Estates. This telling work not only speaks about abandoned sliced pieces of city spacings (and policies), but congruently commemorates exemplary his artistic practice and the conciousness of his works eventually due to the fact […]Read More
‘no breakthrough without breakdown‘ (to quote the last sentence from the – except for the title – german article Just be yourself! Which self? on Cassavetes) .. and … to continue (see former post) with the fluid and processual aspects of performance and attempts to not simply capture those but to make them visible as […]Read More
It’s a nice short quote tempting me to take it out of its context – its ‘closed garden walled system’: In the techno-centric world, we relish persistence yet that is so antithetical to the way in which we normally negotiate the social world. Information production and identity performance are not the same thing even if […]Read More
Via Savage Minds came another mapping idea: Vanishing Point consists of a map of the world connected to a database fed by news coming from several international newspapers. The visibility of each country on the map results from the quantity of media coverage the country receives, so those countries that do not make the news […]Read More
… that algorithmic code and computations can’t be separated from an often utopian cultural imagination that reaches from magic spells to contemporary computer operating systems. 1 “300,000 pages of code. Or 60 minutes of triple-X rubber-and-leather interactive bondage porno. [. . . ] And until you plug it in, you’ll just never know.†This dialogue […]Read More
Last year’s winner at the Locarno festival Private, a feature film by Saverio Constanzo from 2004 based on real events, offers a thought provoking, psychological drama about a palestinian family experiencing occupation through Israeli soldiers in the limited and private territory of their own house: … Based on a real life situation (the family in […]Read More
Usually I almost avoid to refer to texts, journals, magazines, etc .. which are not publicly available on the net, as for myself I experience it always as frustrating not to be able to retrace the named sources. In this case I want to make an exeption as the text I will refer to provides […]Read More
House of World Cultures Berlin hosts for the next few days the project Import Export (Cultural Transfer between India and Germany, Austria) which ‘aims to explore the dynamics of mutual perception in the age of globalisation’. Today’s morning of the accompanying symposium was covered by explorations of authenticity which ended with a presentation of filmaker […]Read More
.. finally processing got some attention at ars electronica: As an innovative, easily understood programming language, “Processing” enables students, artists, designers and architects to design and produce virtual prototypes. The program can be utilized as both a sort of virtual sketchbook as well as a professional graphics program. “Processing” is an open project that was […]Read More
Some collected thoughts on ‘real’ and ‘virtual’ spaces found a nice viceversa relation in the conceptual description of the installation mentioned below: … is also always to some degree imaginary, or “virtual.†Spaces may be defined by walls, streets, or national borders, but they are alsoconceived of and formed by the ideas, myths, and stereotypes […]Read More
.. come also from another side as a critical attitude towards a definition and understanding of the science (if I read it here simply as the bigger brother of tech) nowadays still understood as an almost untouchable paradigma for the establishment of ‘truth/reality’. Stengers wants to understand science in the specificity of its practices, and […]Read More
apophenia jumped into the discussion around the evaluation of blog popularity via link indexing with a very interesting post stressing the very necessary hint towards the inherent biases of any tech and the difficulty to respect … .. anyone who believes that science or technology is neutral. Unfortunately, even when people consciously know that they […]Read More
Queens Museum presents an exhibition on artist’s understanding of gardens. Eventhough that theme had been picked up already several times I think the approaching attitude of Down the Garden Path: The Artist’s Garden After Modernism worth to point towards it. Still not groundbreaking, but it recalls a contextual method for the understanding of gardens with […]Read More