Photography – at least until the occurence of the digital – and still as an unconcious layer transports the idea of being able to establish an indexical archive of the visible. The most questionable and rethinkable influence which got passed on through this understanding was and is surely the claim of gaining an objective image. […]Read More
.. can be seen a small exhibition on the representation of war in video art at the ZKM – Screening War which will be opened on the 14.October: War and terror are inseparably bound up with the media, for war would be unthinkable without news.Read More
War Feels Like War a film by Esteban Uyarra… If you look at Fallujah after the war, we definitely feel at a disadvantage when we only have an embed and we don’t have someone on the ground able to get into Fallujah to confirm how many people died, who they were, where they died, what’s […]Read More
.. being reminded and continuing loosely on the former post on roomology when coming across the cristalpunk workshop description and its intention to create Soft Architecture as a home grown architectonic freak show. In this intention to make sense from the surplus of automated data production an ongoing workshop was created around the Crystalpunk manifesto. […]Read More
Escaping from the known if through laughter or another transgressive expression involves an openness for the unknown. It is a decision for experience, thus it includes a sense of embodiness to get across the point where we cannot see as ‘we cannot see until we are immersed’ to follow an interpretation of Merleau-Ponty by T.Ingold. […]Read More
Being far behind any postings – eventhough I had things in mind to put here – I never managed to do so during the last week. For the moment I return with re-blogging of what I liked a lot when I came across it at Anne Galloway’s blog. As it is put together in a […]Read More
on BBC 2 tonight .. and wish to be able to see that ……… (link and trailer) Methinks he protests too little. But it doesn’t matter, because the beauty of Scorsese’s phenomenally powerful and moving documentary, especially of the first episode, is that it does indeed document richly not just Dylan’s own beginnings but the […]Read More
The Handbook for bloggers and cyber-dissidents (found via) can be downloaded at the reporters without borders site. There are certainly more risky places to blog from than Germany and USA which are listed among the examples and its definitly worth to read about them, their difficulties and what blogging can mean in these places. It […]Read More
.. back later then I thought and confronted with a quite chaotic official situation after one basically had feared for a guarenteed take-over of ‘Angie’. Spiegel online calls this a result creating a coalition of losers. The journal lists foreign reactions and among them the title I like most states From Export Leader to Angstweltmeister […]Read More
transmediale 06 announced its theme (downloadable flyer as pdf) REALITY ADDICTS love reality. They can‘t get enough of culture and nature, of music and machines, images and words and people. They are dependent on and addicted to the manifold realities. REALITY ADDICTS demand more than the smooth surfaces of a medialised world, more than the […]Read More
nice expression of an idea: Roomology – Rooms as Psychogeodynamic Objects (via) The short descriptive text spans its definition from highly metaphorical gothic catedrals, to Perry’s inventive jamaican audio lab, up to mind rooms – yet as for now does not include thoughts on the virtual space behind or better included within the rooms we […]Read More
via this savage minds’ link I discovered an interesting post (including the comments) and further articles about some scientific research results which again try to deepen the argument that a certain cultural education makes a person more oriented in reading an image by either focusing towards the center or adapting to a viewpoint which is […]Read More