Out of context: ‘sorry u are under windows… of..a complex equation I guess…‘ Bridging: A friend put into this into my IM when I was still thinking about flow and frames and the relvance of this following movie in context to the latest post. .. continuing: The video of Johnny Cash’s extraordinary interpretation of NIN’s […]Read More
This entry posted some days ago on apophenia (her commenting that I’ve never been a good photographer because i’m more interested in creating memories than capturing) made me think again on the much stated (and as well by myself expressed thought) that taking photographs is set equal with not going through the whole experience like […]Read More
Two projects working directly with young migrant generations .. The Portable Life. Signs of urban migrants. Migrantas has been working since 2001 on projects related to migration, identity and dialogue between different cultures. Their projects combine tools from the social sciences, graphic design and the visual arts, and put them at the disposal of reflection […]Read More
… remembering Nam-Jun Paik Charlotte Moorman in concert Paik So langweilig wei moglich (part1) via ubu web. Just some examples of his multi-layered work which started out from Fluxus attitude but was entirely dedicated to an artistic research into new media adaption – including audio works – and especially to the influencing medium of his […]Read More
… McLuhan claimed some decades ago but nowadays we are simply already immersed and embedded … Arthur C. Kroker (editor of ctheory) states that we live in the electronic culture that he (McLuhan) prophesied. And since he wrote about it, technology has become more pervasive, but silent. It’s invisible. An elder article (written 2005 to […]Read More
Under the coordination of the Virtual Reality and Multi Media Park/Turin three Universities worked on the reconstruction of The Poème Électronique (mpg link of the original projection) a Corbusier / Varèse / Xennakis project for the first EXPO after WWII in 1958. “I will make not a building but an electronique poem in which light, […]Read More
Antonio Negri – A revolt that never ends – a 2004 documentary which … profiles the controversial life and times of this university professor, philosopher, militant, prisoner, refugee, and so-called ‘enemy of the state.’ It traces Negri’s roots in the history of radical left-wing movements in Italy during the Sixties and Seventies, illustrated through archival […]Read More
Short review from the weekend’s conference/screenings/concerts on middle east: What started as the show ‘The Iraqi Equation’* became now continued under the very vague title ‘Middle East News‘. Thematically presented lectures, films and concerts were not so much angeled around the major view point of Iraq but attempting to cover various aspects of the entire […]Read More
This small, but intriguing performance video associates thoughts about the wish and need of a certain enclosure … “But, you may say, we asked you to speak about women and fiction – what has that to do with a room of one’s own?” (first sentence A Room of One’s Own V.Woolf) Certainly ‘Enclose’ stands for […]Read More
Today I found a short and convincing argument by artist Soo-Ja Kim which might even me make think about having an URL according to the own name – a fact which so far I never really could support entirely. A one word name refuses gender identity, marital status, socio-political or cultural and geographical identity by […]Read More
For Berlin – friday 20th and saturday 21st at the HAU: Conceptually, the point of the event cannot be to provide a comprehensive overview of current cultural production in the various countries of an extremely contrast-rich and multifarious region. Rather, the aim is to trace several levels of reflection, taking the artists’ works as a […]Read More
.. in the FBI files hint no comment on his major publication ‘Orientalism‘ but a lot of frequent observation of one of the leading figures of american intellectual and academic life. … via counterpunch comes David Price’s (author of Threatening Anthropology) report on FBI activities regarding top intellectuals and academics – in this case Edward […]Read More
A chapter which isn’t so present in german conciousness is the colonisation and genocide of the Herero. There have been some occassions when the theme had been picked up during the last years – especially for the 100 year rememberance of the Herero uprising, but its still not covered well. Thus I will take the […]Read More
via newsgrist come two interesting articles on art concerning especially the NYC scene. Both are taken from NYT and offer an interesting read which makes me wish to be there. First is on the use and change of white cube gallery attitudes (NYT) and second points to an exciting exhibition The Downtown Scene, When It […]Read More