Living in Berlin gets one – at least for european standards – quite adjusted to constant changes of the cityscape which are not always accompanied by thought-through inventions: Latest highlights which might more likely evoke the impression that one just visits a huge consumer park – supported by background views of major spots of the […]Read More
… appeared several times in the correspondence between Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, yet there was very little information about her. She came from Russia and was Jung’s first analysis-patient in the Burghölzli clinic in Zürich. After successful treatment, (Jung diagnosed Hysteria) she studied medicine, became one of the first women in Freud’s Psychoanalytical […]Read More
Le Monde Diplomatic just published the introduction for the new atlas Planet in Peril: Atlas of Current Threats to People and the Environment Written by an international team of specialists, these pages from the Atlas illustrate through text and maps, graphics and diagrams the interplay between population and the world’s ecosystems and natural resources both […]Read More
.. no further comment – just some info: The photographs of S.Pickering understand themselves as delving into the ‘aesthetics’ of explosions by considering them investigation into the crux of reality and it’s simulation. (link) It’s a thoughtful project, worth to think twice about it and I guess that is why I kept that material already […]Read More
Reminding to what DW entitles Deportation Looms Over Integration Advocate’s Family and what is in a way a common praxis here in Germany: Having spent most of her 17 years in Germany, Hayriye Aydin may have to watch her parents being deported to Turkey next month. And that despite receiving nationwide recognition this week for […]Read More
But stated as missing: a negation of representational politics in respect of the generally tendencies to include outsiders would provoke … Finally Anthony Iles took the effort to review ‘Making Things Public: Atmospheres of Democracy’ in metamute – and ends not very positively to state as main point a missing critical access in addressing the […]Read More
via the first paragraphs of Ralph Ellison‘s famous novel Invisible Man (1952) / (selection of essays, interviews, and reviews from The New York Times Books archive (login via bugmenot), dating from 1952 to present.) I am an invisible man. No, i am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allan poe; nor am I […]Read More
… due to travelling: … less time in blogging, … some time to read essays, … some excerpts to blog relating to an earlier post on Eva Hofman’s ‘Lost in translation’: The gap has also become a chink, a window thrugh which I can observe the diversity of the world. The apertures of perception have […]Read More
GWEI – Google will eat itself – is a conceptual piece of art attempting to analyse and eventually (in some million years) deactive through tactics of discretisation and self-referentiality the strategies used by the major (.. and simply best) search machine Google. The project specifically addresses Google’s tendencies to collect and synthesize user data information […]Read More
While trying to get some grasp back on the earlier book of Sadie Plant Zeros and Ones (review) I came across this definition – just too nice quote to hold it back – extracted from Alex Galloway’s article ‘A Report on Cyberfeminism‘: … that the zero-the nothingness of binary code-has always been the 0-ther, … […]Read More
.. can be stated for the city according to Agamben in a recent Spiegel Interview: I think today a crisis of identity became the constant condition for each nation, each people. This especially accounts for Germany. If I walk through a german city today, Berlin for example, it comes to my mind, that this city […]Read More
As in a way I recently think a lot about memorizing, use of archiving and the point where nostalgia loses its worth and turns into an obsessive sentimental habit … this short excerpt form ‘ Mal d’Archive (Archive Fever)’ by Derrida (J. Lambier commenting on Archive Fever) was a very nice find (via): In an […]Read More
Recently due to the actual demolition of the ‘Palast der Republik’ politics around architecture here in Germany get some more attention – but still a curious division makes me wonder for the election of the ‘right’ criteria for a building to stay (at least as a reminding remainder) or go …brand avenue finally pointed with […]Read More