Finally I got the spam under control again (akismet seems to be the recent state of the art here .. ) .. UPDATE 30/10/2006: To give those unfamiliar with the subject an idea: almost exactly 20 days later akismet gives me the proud report of having caught so far 5,360 spam comments ….Read More
DAAD gallery shows the latest work ‘ANATOMY‘ of the belgian artist Ana Torfs. The work developes around historical material of the trial following the murder of R.Luxemburg and K.Liebknecht: In 2005 Ana Torfs researched the Military Archive on a trial held in May 1919, the “Case of the Murder of Dr. Karl Liebknecht and Rosa […]Read More
.. various events to update the recent situation about ongoing events in this starting autumn season: On thursday the german version of the ‘Atlas der Globalisierung’ (english: ‘Planet in Peril’) had been presented with the event of a quite lifely discussion including interesting participants like Dominique Vidal, Johan Galtung, … taz has a short article […]Read More
… and as a more relaxing note just an anecdotal quote from G.Gould and his friendship with M.McLuhan by an analysis regarding their different relations towards the medium and the message (;)): A mention of Marshall McLuhan reminds me of something which Glenn once said to me. I knew him extremely well. I knew him […]Read More
Sorrily, due to those stupid increasingly ignorant mass-spammers I had to turn on moderation for every trackback and comment again for the moment. I hate most about their respectless attitude, that it forces one to draw tighter lines for the other, all-time welcome, comments and remarks …Read More
via the recent very interesting post at newsgrist I found this text, worth a read through, ‘Bush’s Useful Idiots’ at the London Review of Books. The text is not only interesting as a reference to the 1988 ad mentions, and as well for an understanding of the American intellectual situation – it as well goes […]Read More
.. for a sleepy sunday and to abbreviate the waiting phase for a chance to see Gondry’s ‘The science of Sleep‘ it is quite entertaining to explore the official website (french) and already exsisting excerpts at you tube .. Sweet, crazy, and tinged with sadness, Michel Gondry’s new feature The Science of Sleep is a […]Read More
– … currently exhibited at the ZKM medialounge is an overview of the archived material of this first international magazine on videocassettes which gets accompanied by an online database accessible at ‘Infermental’ was the first international videocassette magazine that published video artworks in part or whole, trailers, and reports (lasting 1-20 minutes) from around […]Read More
.. as the below mentioned exhibition takes most of its material and associations from the bigger Hollywood productions it is nice to come across this republished Anti-100 years of cinema manifesto of Jonas Mekkas at / and on / Invisible Cinema. As you well know it was God who created this Earth and everything on […]Read More
Kafka’s diary note still speaks to people and defines one of their most characteristic experiences with cinema. This take stands also for one of the major entrance points the recent exhibition ‘Movies on the mind. / Kino im Kopf‘ at the Filmmuseum in Berlin counts on. (accompanying film program at the arsenal cinema) … the […]Read More
via apophenia I came across the disentanglement of the lonelygirl15 experiment … more episodes They are telling their story, truth or fiction. Of course, this makes many people very uncomfortable. They want blogs and YouTube and MySpace to be Real with a capital R. Or they want it to be complete play. Yet, what’s happening […]Read More
Adriana Bertini (Brazil) showed her dresses made of unusable condoms at the recent AIDS Conference in Toronto: DeRose (executive director of The Condom Project) said that creating wearable art out of condoms attracts people who normally wouldn’t wear the prophylactics, let alone touch them or even utter the word. (link)Read More
This saturday Berlin hosted Dropping Knowledge’s ( ‘The Table of Free Voices‘ event: This “Table of Free Voices” is an unusual technological and social experiment in freedom of expression, which may reveal more more about mass media games and informational battlegrounds than providing a penetrating archive of diverse voices regarding critical global issues. The obstacle […]Read More
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land, a documentary focusing on the Israel – Palestine conflict, already has been published by The Media Education Foundation in 2004, but gives still an impression and critical analysis how via media output – opinions / world views are created and influenced which is very worth seeing: Peace, Propaganda & […]Read More