Temporary graffiti (aka driptxt via wooster collective) produced by sms txting and projection under the artist’s motto: … don’t use your mobile phone to escape your surroundings, use it to engage it and speak out … – for more info see >>> txtualhealing – could be one of the works which might make the upcoming […]Read More
.. usually I try to not point to items which one needs to buy, order, pay a fee .. etc to be able to access them fully on this medium and form of a blog which lives from being freely accessible to those who have at least access to computers. But in this case the […]Read More
The film Arna’s children … tells the story of a theatre group that was established by Arna Mer Khamis. Arna comes from a Zionist family and in the 1950s married a Palestinian Arab, Saliba Khamis. On the West Bank, she opened an alternative education system for children whose regular life was disrupted by the Israeli […]Read More
Bruno Latour specifies in an interview blogged on Re-public his point of view of our approach in so called modernity ‘We never have been modern“, which was one of his earlier book titles: If science studies is right in erasing the divide between nature and society, it remains true that the readers of those work […]Read More
Imagination becomes Reality Conclusion is the title of a recent ZKM show and the among the published online excerpts from the catalogue texts the one written by Peter Weibel provides the most promising analytical attitude: The visual world is what is visible, which exists unmediatized as well. Pictures are mediatized both by the support media […]Read More
I know pretty well the site has still problems .. but I still like the layout of Hemingway wordpress theme and just don’t have enough time to fix it right now … so please excuse and just share .. some goodies – in my eyes at least …: or click here for full screen mode […]Read More
Reel Bad Arabs, is a 2006 documentary directed by Sut Jhally which is based on the book of the internationally acclaimed author and media critic, Dr. Jack G. Shaheen, whose specific topic is the extensive research of the misrepresentation of Arabs and Muslims in film, particularly movies coming out of Hollywood. The political art journal […]Read More
Some newspapers already put up short notes about Baudrillard’s death. Still it will take time to understand thouroughly not only the thoughts he spread, but also to reflect on the moment in time he took to connect the threads to rethink the modes of mediation and technological communication and define his concept of ‘hyperreality‘ .. […]Read More
The MOMA’s current show on Jeff Wall displays as well a selction of images online. Among them the often mentioned Picture for Women, 1979, which is worth a bit closer look. Jeff Wall himself describes his work on the MOMA online exhibition page as following: Picture for Women (1979) is a remake of Manet’s picture. […]Read More
Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society by Raymond Williams provides a comprehend and useful understanding of contemporary terms, which define our world and worldview.What makes the book still remarkable is that Willimams did not just look for further clarification, in order to impose a finite meaning on them, but instead to describe the terms’ […]Read More
Accidently I found this great link to this media theory keyword database establised for the course thought by J.T.Mitchell at the University of Chicago. It is described as to explore the concept of media and mediation in very broad terms, looking not only at modern technical media and mass media, but at the very idea […]Read More
.. ok the blog software got updated to Ella already a few days ago (so i hope for less spelling mistakes .. ; )), but more importantly – this time, when visiting an event the images I imagined to take with my mobile I then indeed took home with me. (The last time I had […]Read More
“…to be passive is to be active; those also serve who remain outside. By making their absence felt, their presence becomes desirable.†Virginia Woolf, Three Guineas … pretty nice sentence and fitting in a way still regarding terms of media issues .. and also in the sense meant where I took in from: … for […]Read More