The piece develops as an encounter of three outstanding women – the choreographer Meg Stuart, the dancer Omagbitse Omagbemi, and the composer / musician Mieko Suzuki. The stage set as “a sparklingly desolate, enigmatically burned-out landscape” were they discover and explore their own “personal histories imprinted on their bodies,” and create and ride on sparks […]Read More
Barely have I redirected here to other articles in full length – yet reading Svitlana Matviyenko’s article “Interpassive User: Complicity and the Returns of Cybernetics” in The Fiberculture Journal provided such insight through its interweaving of strands of thought. Her article incites reading as a pleasure, by displaying a choreography in entangled thinking that acts […]Read More
In Meg Stuart’s citing of herself: “often I say to my dancers: Your body is not yours.â€2 (link) lingers a resonance quite close to Spinoza’s â€what the body can do†– “the body itself, merely from the laws of its own nature alone, can do many things, at which the mind marvels.â€3 Stuart’s 2011 piece […]Read More
“It takes a long time to become young.” said Picasso. And I think he meant the curious look, the undoing of the known, the ability to comprehend outside the rule and to try instead to open up an inner space that unsettles the framing view. Letting go the preformed seems to be a tough task […]Read More
The current exhibition Laurie Anderson, Trisha Brown, Gordon Matta-Clark – Pioneers of the Downtown Scene, New York 1970s is much more interesting than many other recent one’s in this field in my opinion. Performance artist and musician Laurie Anderson, choreographer Trisha Brown and artist Gordon Matta-Clark were friends and active participants in the New York […]Read More
Spoken language and body language, both mix in an exquisite way in the latest piece of Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui en Damien Jalet – BABEL (words). The piece fascinatingly shows a wide variety of expressions including aggression, humor, an almost slapstick-like behavior and a deep sensuality for the forms and languages of the body, – and […]Read More
‘Chorea’ is a medical term referring to an affected nervous system, the symptoms of which are jerky movements and poor coordination. Finally I had the chance to see the entire piece ‘Out of Context – For Pina’ by Alain Platel | Les ballets C de la B. Though it was a thought-provoking experience on many […]Read More
I always liked Friederike Mayröcker writings .. and this is a perfect beginning of a film I would wish to see …. soon .. DAS SCHREIBEN UND DAS SCHWEIGEN – Trailer >>> website of the filmmakerRead More
Hm …. there is hope for a change after Obama’s recent speech which the german magazine ‘Der Spiegel’ announced as A ‘NEW BEGINNING’ IN CAIRO, but certainly it won’t work without looking into one’s own preconceptions. While in NYC the NYPL & The European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) present “ISLAM IN EUROPE – […]Read More
Some online research after coming across this nice and unexpected Wittgenstein quote “In the actual use of expressions we make detours, we go by side-roads. We see the straight highway before us, but of course we cannot use it, because it is permanently closed.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, 1953) lead me to another interesting piece […]Read More
After the Yes Men / NGO last’s year coup of handing out a fake version of the New York Times now the german anti-globalization group ATTAC imitated the weekly magazine ‘Die Zeit’. The fake pages can be downloaded as pdf or read online (sorrily only in german). img via further links: reuters: indiamediaspace_09 link […]Read More
The Times newspaper opened their archive beginning with 1785 publications as a digital storage and made it for an introductory period freely accessible: For any historical writer, the prospect of being able to search 200 years of The Times at the push of a button from anywhere in the world is both thrilling and slightly […]Read More
During the last week the renown theater director and writer Augusto Boal held an event on invitation of the berlin biennale. It was a very special evening introducing himself through a longer speech, and then followed by some pieces with invited actors, his son and the participating audience to give a a lively impression of […]Read More
Berlin’s Tanas Gallery (Gallery for Contemporary Turkish Art) shows currently the prize-winning 2004 work “Küba” of Kutlug Ataman. The installation of 40 interviews on old-fashioned TV models, each supplied with an individual 2 second hand chair, creates a chorus of voices each telling their own story. In front of the monitor one is solely confronted […]Read More