interpassivity – appifying interaction

Barely have I redirected here to other articles in full length – yet reading Svitlana Matviyenko’s article “Interpassive User: Complicity and the Returns of Cybernetics” in The Fiberculture Journal provided such insight through its interweaving of strands of thought. Her article incites reading as a pleasure, by displaying a choreography in entangled thinking that acts […] Read More

The Thing and the body

… or the difference between entanglement and entrapment. It starts with a blue lit up mesh ball, first just sitting there, then softly animated through the movement of a breathing body. This thing seems to be even livelier than the laying figure of the dancer below it. Everything is black, the floor, the surrounding and […] Read More

associating: The angel of history

The following is Benjamin’s ninth thesis from the essay “Theses on the Philosophy of History”: A Klee painting named ‘Angelus Novus’ shows an angel looking as though he is about to move away from something he is fixedly contemplating. His eyes are staring, his mouth is open, his wings are spread. This is how one […] Read More

Wealth of Nations

… meant ironically or in quest of a new meaning ??? Clear is so far, that the headline refers to an interesting exhibition and conference just takes place right now in Novi Sad under the title ‘Wealth of Nations‘, which wants to bring together Art, Theory, Social Sciences and Economics, Cultural Studies and Finance in […] Read More

inescapable experience of process oriented research

Relating to my own experience I am always interested into projects, which attempt to make use of new media techniques for their realization. To establish a blog aside a current undertaking meanwhile almost became a common habit. Thus not so many of these projects really managed to make appropriate use of the tools they occupied […] Read More

DNA of a film

Cinema Redux by Brendan Dawes is an attempt to get a visual analysis of a film by reducing it to a single image. The artist himself describes his work the following: This explores the idea of distilling a whole film down to one single image. Using eight of my favourite films from eight of my […] Read More

America’s Change

Visualization of Obama’s Victory Speech >>> see source page .. and as it has been an historic event let’s also link to this visualization of Martin Wattenberg – the site History Wired, a visualization of a selection of objects from the Smithsonian Museum. (This was built in collaboration with Judy Gradwohl at the Smithsonian.) A […] Read More


MIT still offers on their opencourseware website free access and download to some of their courses’ material – including syllabus, readings and assignments. The material is free accessible and has permission to be reused and modified while giving credit to the source. It is understood that it cannot be used for commercial use .. etc…, […] Read More

What are you doing?

I guess it is really time to ask – as to find out where time is vanishing to … Interestingly that became not only a personal question, but a very common one, which fills enire websites – so called micro-blogging services like twitter, jaiku and others. A lot of extending applications and some as nice […] Read More

unpredictable conspiracy

.. no conspiracy here .. but unpredictably just too less time at the moment to research and write .. nevertheless .. as a quick update .. Tonite starts the club transmediale – this year’s event named Unpredictable – and in a few days then also the transmediale 08 under the title conspire ( Read More

Documentary: House of Saud

These days I had the luck to see the documentary ‘House of Saud’ by filmmaker Jihan El-Tahri. A BBC/ARTE/PBS/NHK production, which first has been aired in 2004. Saudi Arabia—one of the United States’ most important allies for more than sixty years—is home to vast oil fields and a wealthy, often extravagant, monarchy. Until 9/11, most […] Read More

p2p microfinance

.. what an excellent idea! works on the basis of a free loan by a private lender to the very poor, who plan or have some business to develop, but would almost have no chance to lend from a normal bank. The website is personalizing the contact between the lender and the entrepreneur through […] Read More

minor instincts / shock doctrine

The recent new book – and accompanying film – of Naomi Klein causes already a lot of discussion. And it is good that there are (semi*) open places like the Guardian mini-site to provide this. Sorrily I haven’t read the book, thus I can’t really decide on some raised detail information, also I can’t really […] Read More