I just HAVE to reblog this, as it is such a beautiful and enlightening post on Sexual Milestones of Old Hollywood. I found it on gawker.com, which refers to filmsite and other great film-related sites and simply should not be forgotten that quickly within the worldwide ww.Read More
Sometimes it might seem that this blog is side-stepping, even to myself, but then I recall the ‘gap’ is also always been about the gap in general and any meaning and as well especially about media. One could now wonder why especially Germany produced and aired an ambitious TV-documentary about the Armenian genocide. Though seeing […]Read More
There is obviously still a lot of interest in the weaving of the myth of Berlin inheriting all these lost, forgotten and abandoned places. And true, there are a lot of free, unused, abandoned, shut off, … places – especially for a location, which is regarded, though kind of north-east, definitely as part of the […]Read More