There is a pretty good article and mainly link-collection over on we-make-money – generally a very interesting blog – about facts and impact of walling. The article centers around the ‘Desiring Walls’ lecture by Wendy Brown (audio file on resistnetwork), which analysis the globally evolving phenomenon for walling. Regine from we-make-money has carefully collected the […]Read More
Hm …. there is hope for a change after Obama’s recent speech which the german magazine ‘Der Spiegel’ announced as A ‘NEW BEGINNING’ IN CAIRO, but certainly it won’t work without looking into one’s own preconceptions. While in NYC the NYPL & The European Union National Institutes for Culture (EUNIC) present “ISLAM IN EUROPE – […]Read More
… meant ironically or in quest of a new meaning ??? Clear is so far, that the headline refers to an interesting exhibition and conference just takes place right now in Novi Sad under the title ‘Wealth of Nations‘, which wants to bring together Art, Theory, Social Sciences and Economics, Cultural Studies and Finance in […]Read More