inescapable experience of process oriented research

Relating to my own experience I am always interested into projects, which attempt to make use of new media techniques for their realization. To establish a blog aside a current undertaking meanwhile almost became a common habit. Thus not so many of these projects really managed to make appropriate use of the tools they occupied .. ( and here I am not excluding the experiment of mediaspace_09 blog, which I was myself involved in, from a critical assessment .. ; )).

During the last months I followed with interest the online progress of season 18 project, which under the tutorship of artist and curator Fareed Armaly emerged into its own online group discussion. The current graduates of the école du magasin self-definition describe the effort of converging their various viewpoints as a process oriented research project, which now finally presents its results in a concluding show.

…. this blog mapped out each week as a relation between individual and group positions through six episodes comprised of six individual posts and one group discussion. As we progress towards the Season 18 finale, the blog is shifting onto a new phase (March 25 – May 06, 2009) by focusing further on the building of a common ground through exchange. Through three group discussions, we will share different reflections on three essential areas of interest which will operate in the final project. (link)

And now the time has come to see the ‘real world’ results …

Collective exhibition, at Le Magasin (Grenoble), May 30 > September 6.
Opening: Saturday 30 MAY, 18:00. /

Maps, models and simulations attempt to render representations of
behaviors, characteristics and relationships on different levels.
These symbolic depictions limit territories, build systems and imitate
realities. Alternatively, the creation of different segments sustains
the significance of change between them. The passage from one state to
another is in reality not ideally precise but generating troublesome
remainders. “The Inescapable Experience of Transition” contains
expressions of these as the spatial relations that comprise our world.
The project reflects on the convergence of borders and boundaries,
past and present, real and virtual, and the realities of transition as
a shared framework.

With works by Archive-Practice, Art of Failure, Wafaa Bilal, Heath
Bunting, Collectif 1.0.3., Alain Della Negra and Kaori Kinoshita, Hiwa
K, Société Réaliste.

Curated by Season 18.

The project group had published a longer self-announcement of “The Inescapable Experience of Transition”, already some time ago:

In Fall 2008, the participants of the 18th Session of l’Ecole du Magasin began working on this collective project by establishing the framework of “Season 18“. For this internationally diverse group, the term suggests that what comprises for them a shared commonality is linked with the experiences of a globalized media. What structures the familiar “everyday” can in part be drawn from between television’s episodic narratives and internet’s web of virtual communications, where engagement with the world is created through the intertwined notions of fiction and information, virtual and real, characters and human counterparts. Starting from this orientation, the participants decided that rather than working as a group with a commissioned curatorial theme, they work with a form of process-oriented research that considers the development from six individuals to working collective, and which evolves up to and includes the realization of the final collective production. The first public section of this project,, joins between the episodic and virtual with an emphasis on the role of dialog. Each week it combines the state of the participants’ individual research with their group discussion, conceived as a way by which to build common ground for the final proposition. As it progressed, this format filtered the different new material into certain paths of enquiry, which ultimately reflected more overlaps than separations. These overlaps revealed the shared concepts of mapping, modeling and simulation, which in turn established the working coordinates for the exhibition “The Inescapable Experience of Transition” Maps, models and simulations attempt to render representations of behaviors, characteristics and relationships on different levels.
These symbolic depictions limit territories, build systems and imitate realities. Alternatively, the creation of different segments sustains the significance of change between them. The passage from one state to another is in reality not ideally precise but generating troublesome remainders. “The Inescapable Experience of Transition” contains expressions of these as the spatial relations that comprise our world. ….. (link)

3 thoughts on “inescapable experience of process oriented research

  1. Also, if you would like to have further information, please do not hesitate to send us a message.

    Tolga Taluy
    Session 18 | Ecole du Magasin

  2. Thanks for the nice reply … though your teacher keeps me updated ; ) … good luck with the exhibition.

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