Relating to my own experience I am always interested into projects, which attempt to make use of new media techniques for their realization. To establish a blog aside a current undertaking meanwhile almost became a common habit. Thus not so many of these projects really managed to make appropriate use of the tools they occupied […]Read More
Cinema Redux by Brendan Dawes is an attempt to get a visual analysis of a film by reducing it to a single image. The artist himself describes his work the following: This explores the idea of distilling a whole film down to one single image. Using eight of my favourite films from eight of my […]Read More
Some online research after coming across this nice and unexpected Wittgenstein quote “In the actual use of expressions we make detours, we go by side-roads. We see the straight highway before us, but of course we cannot use it, because it is permanently closed.” (Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, 1953) lead me to another interesting piece […]Read More