Youssef Chahine – Egyptian film-maker who championed nationalism and Arab concerns with an independent eye Jean Renoir once remarked that in the work of his Egyptian fellow film director Youssef Chahine, “reality is always enchanting”. Chahine, who has died at the age of 82 following a brain haemorrhage, made more than 40 feature films: his […]Read More
The current art project ‘Mahrem – Footnotes on Veiling’ at Berlin Tanas Gallery explores the concepts such as hidden and revealed, visible and invisible, public and private around the on-going contemporary discussions on the veil, the show tries to unfold several differing viewpoints related to Islamic covering and its public perceptions through the works of […]Read More
Another site to explore might be MAHArchive (MediaArtHistories Archive): Welcome to the digital repository of scholarship examining the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology! Our collections are currently being fleshed out and added to. Archive Goals :: world wide access – create a place for classic texts, cross-pollinated, cutting-edge scholarship – items submitted and […]Read More
Recently I came across this peer-reviewed online journal’s March issue ‘On the City‘ and kind of liked especially its web-related multi-media access. Here is a description of the journal in its own words: Liminalities is an open-access peer-reviewed journal for performance studies, theory and praxis. Our goal is to embrace the possibilities for presenting performance […]Read More