.. but pretend to avoid them .. like the current send-outs for the upcoming Berlin Biennale with its title announcement ‘When things cast no shadow’.
One gets a slight fear that may indeed be programmatic for the entire show, unless one eventually might be more successful in getting information when contacting their ‘secret service’. (.. no joke – link here).
Sorrily they are not that subtle in regards of their website, as when you want to access the pages most of the time a huge overlay image comes in, which prevents from reading as well accessing eventual links. Not to give a hint (even in form of a changing cursor) that a simple mouse click might help here,is presumably regarded as sophisticated as the title …
Ok, aside that framework, what can be seen .. or better read so far .. and here one better goes to eflux than to their own site – not because of the overlay, but a press announcement is yet not online there:
The day part of the 5th berlin biennial will be on view at four distinct venues and include mostly newly commissioned works by 50 artists, while the night part of the show will feature still more artists and cultural producers in 63 nightly events taking place in locations spread across the once-divided city. … via eflux