.. but pretend to avoid them .. like the current send-outs for the upcoming Berlin Biennale with its title announcement ‘When things cast no shadow’. One gets a slight fear that may indeed be programmatic for the entire show, unless one eventually might be more successful in getting information when contacting their ‘secret service’. (.. […]Read More
.. looking for some final Berlinale essentials? .. ok here are some more official statements translated and put online via signandsight .. with further links to go. The reviewer of the linked article likes especially a corean film, which indeed sounds kind of promising – but the never forget the latest film ‘RR’ of James […]Read More
Ok, .. Berlinale is on .. and finally I am looking that far out that I at least get some glimpses of the whole spectacle. Sure the newspapers were full of The Stones visit, Patti Smith planing to visit Brecht’s grave and just yesterday Madonna’s appearance made the actual players of the event – the […]Read More
.. so my last post was about conspiracy – yeah, and it felt the last days as indeed there was one: an extraordinary amount of work came together with disasterous computing experiences. Not only my computer broke down now already like 2 weeks ago, also other machines I had to work with stopped responding in […]Read More