… so we came over .. and finally I am looking forward to have a clear field ahead and in a certain way to a new start ..
2007 has been too much occupied with several health issues which summed up to draw a lot of energy and concentration.
As I am working my way back, or better forward from this specific access point of time .. I am looking forward to good load of energy and wish the same to everyone reading this.
The year starts with a little post on a friend’s work, which definitely deserves some attention: SPAM / NO SPAM – decide yourself – presenting:
… the Spammuseum aka Re: Haha, Help is here !! by S. Reling.
SPAM = elektronisches Äquivalent zu unerwünschter Postwurfsendung SPAM = electronic equivalent of unwanted mail box Ausgestattet mit der aktuellsten Antivirensoftware und externen Sicherheitskopien traue ich mich, einige Emails zu öffnen und ein bisschen darin zu stöbern. Neben den unzähligen Werbemails finden sich hin und wieder Spams mit sinnlosen Texten, die nach der Herausfilterung der schönsten Zeilen eine eigentümliche Poesie offenbaren. Dieser unendliche Reichtum an Formulierungen, poetischen und philosophischen Gedanken, sowie die Sinnlosigkeit der breiten Versendung durch das Internet findet Entsprechung in Bildern, Objekten, Textcollagen und Schriftbändern. |
Equipped with the latest anti-virus software and external security copies I have the heart to open some spam mails and rummage a bit. In addition to the countless ad-mailings there can be found spam with useless texts, which reveal after filtering of the most beautiful lines a peculiar poetry. This infinite richness of formulations, poetic and philosophical thoughts and the senselessness of the broad dispatch through the Internet get an equivalent in images, objects, text collages and font-lines. | ![]() |