The early and very interesting film project by the two italian artists Alberto Grifi and Gianfranco Baruchello, which hardly has been known to a wider public, recently got revived through an online presence initiated by the the imaginary art-group Les Liens Invisibles. The group set up a downloadable database website which refers to the artists’ […]Read More
.. a nice discovery is the music and also the below linked video clip of the band ‘Nouvelle Vague‘ (website), which draws some very literal connection ties to the origin and subject of their band name … Dance With Me – Nouvelle Vague from their recent album ‘Band à part’ (myspacetv link) .. and here […]Read More
This weekend House of World Cultures in Berlin will start with Catherine David’s DI/VISIONS project, which focuses on Culture and Politics of the Middle East. The program presents a month long series of talks, discussions and screenings, surely worth to be explored – (>> program): … In the Middle East, the long 20th century was […]Read More
The ‘performative’ works of Berni Searle play with the appearance and disappearance, visibility and invisibility of the body. Revealing and not revealing, they create, in the process, scenarios in which nothing is ever entirely apparent. (link) Just recently I came across the performance work of the artist Bernie Searle, who is born in South Africa, […]Read More