Persepolis, the animation film after the books by Marjane Satrapi (see earlier post), starts to be around, and after seeing it myself I just recommend to go and see yourself …. YouTube link … and more here .. and to leave no more words, but just agreeing on this salon review.. People who have no […]Read More
The conference’s last day started with the interesting panel on Interdisciplinary Theory in Practice and that one with Christopher Salter‘s stimulating talk entitled ‘Unstable Events: Performative Science, materiality and Machinic practices‘. Summing up the performative as a practice to ‘transform the world in ‘real time’.’ Another highlight was the lecture by Janine Marchessault and Michael […]Read More
Though I have to admit that my recent complain about Berlin has been proved unreasonable, as I totally overlooked the upcoming re:place 2007 conference, which took place at the House of World Culture during this weekend and I was lucky enough to attend quite a few of the panels, which definitly submit to some of […]Read More
‘… We slowly loosen the rubber layering, the skin, tugging the yesterday into today..’ (.. Wir lösen langsam die Kautschukschichten, die Haut, und ziehen das Gestern ins Heute.) Before coming across a recent taz article these days I hadn’t heard about the work of the swiss architect Heidi Bucher. The article on her work, entitled […]Read More
Though Berlin is known for its creative potential and thus seduces a lot of artists to move here – but I guess still more for the still very obvious possibilities of an unfinished city environment in constant development, than because of stimulating exhibitions of the art scene. All those who came here, might have learned […]Read More
.. what an excellent idea! works on the basis of a free loan by a private lender to the very poor, who plan or have some business to develop, but would almost have no chance to lend from a normal bank. The website is personalizing the contact between the lender and the entrepreneur through […]Read More
Even though a bit late, but still a selection worth to go through is the hint from regarding a compiling review in the last issue of ‘The New York Review of Books‘, which goes through several titles on Islam and combines it with a selection on the headscarve and the veil’ under the title […]Read More