Currently a film about the legendary post-punk group Joy Division gets a lot of attention in Britain and elsewhere, which now swaps also slowly over here:
On May 18, 1980 the world was the target of two natural disasters. Mt. St. Helens blew her top, spewing a pyroclastic cloud miles into the air and laying waste to much of the Pacific Northwest. Meanwhile, half a world away, the leader singer of an up and coming rock group out of Manchester, England slipped a noose around his neck and seemingly put an end to the promising career of Joy Division. | interview with Anton Corbijn on YouTube |
Now, almost thirty years after that second disaster, Joy Division are probably bigger than ever and the subject of a film that won two awards at the recent Cannes Film Festival. (link) |
You will be forgiven if you were expecting Anton Corbijn’s Control to be a vapid exercise in style over substance. After all if you take one of the world’s most in-demand music video directors and set him the task of shooting a biography of one of the most iconic rock figures of the 1980’s, one whose style is being openly nicked by a number of current acts, it is not unreasonable to think the urge towards posturing and gimmickry would be overwhelming. Thankfully Corbijn and his film are far, far better than that. (read on)
Follow the link here to the nicely done website for an obviously extraordinary film