tracing the exchange on level: background visibility

0xdb database did their presentation about a week or two ago here in Berlin, but just now they put out a bigger announcement of their recent stunning development.

What does 0xdb stand for?

There are different theories about this. Some people have remarked that 0xdb is the hexadecimal notation of the decimal number 219, and that 219 is the area code of a region in Indiana, which originally had the area code 317, and was subsequently further divided and assigned the additional area codes 260 and 574. The sum of these four area codes is 1370, which can be read as Leto, the name of the mother of Apollo and Artemis.

It is a nice and well done cinematic database, with thought-through details – as well on the level of coding (see quote below), which offers quite some unique ways to trace and view cinematic and video material of a certain quality, or let’s say even rarity level. Even though this is depending on their source material, which they can filter from the existing ‘online’ processes.
And that is where we are at the very specific point of their invention – they are tracing certain p2p networks and using this real time material as a source for the available display mode of their database, which then includes some very interesting features and ways to search as – to my knowledge at least – not existing yet.

… They use a lot of fair use, many creative commons, and even rate risk the movies for potential liability for people who download them. You cannot download anything from this site, you can get snippets from moves that they identify as copyright expired. The interesting part is that they are scanning the P2P networks, looking for the movies available, and then gathering meta data from just about everywhere to give data about the movie. No Streaming, no downloading, maybe some snippets, but an interesting view of what is happening on the P2P networks, with some usable data. (link)

Other specific features include:
– mapping by shooting locations
– sorting by scenes
– even searching for certain scene according to keywords spoken in the subtitles
– and the most stunning feature to me: viewing the films as optical timelines

timeline of 13 Lakes, James Benning

further review links:
kNOw Future Inc.

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