at the threshold of perception

.. the luggage on my way back from travelling further north to Helsinki (the current spike magazine focuses on its cultural development) has been packed with very specific memories and and images:
among them the exhibition of the ‘Helsinki School‘ at the Finnish Museum of Photography.
(>> watch the slide show)
and the by Harry Laakso curated show Grey Matters – photography is thinking
“Photography is the place, where thinking is” has philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy said. Photography has comprised different factors and forms of thought. Photography has acted as the revealing tool of reality. It has also has had the ability to visualize and indicate the correspondence between abstract phenomena.
Grey Matters –exhibition focuses on the connections of photography and thought by examining abstract themes such as idyll, courage, absurd and invisible

The show Grey Matters (Aftercrop) is accompanied by a little booklet, which I enjoyed reading and quoting might take over .. thus I thought to make that short and precious text available here:

Images expect our thinking and await our approach. Art historian Hans Belting has remarked how in some languages there exist separate words for memory (as an archive of images) and memory (as an act of remembering). The distinction speaks for the idea that we possess images and produce them. “[Images] live in our bodies or in our dreams and wait to be summoned by our bodies to show up.”

… and so in my memory I refer and linger on images we construct and where we oscillate the world of our thoughts – and attempt to reflect on Orpheus’ impossible task – the (self-)dissolving paradox – … to see the invisible as invisible,

A photograph is a touch from the distance that has its own unforeseen time. In photographs nature thinks with light, sometimes almost invisibly, on the threshold of perception.