From two – very different – exhibition / events some current visualisations, which both work in the tradition of catching the hard to recognize – or eventually better described as trying to catch or transform the momentary into at least visible or even solid material forms …
Geoffrey Mann‘s work ‘Attracted to Light’ is shown in the ‘digitalability‘ show of currently ongoing designmai07:
Attracted to Light narrates the erratic behaviour of a moth upon seeing a light source. The spiralling flight path of the moth becomes defined by the moth’s uncontrollable attraction to the light bulb and the man-made constraints of the lampshade. The translucent nature of the material continually reminds us of the forms of ephemeral spirit. |
Especially designmai has to offer more in this direction, but as their website is kind of poor in this regards better go for more information to this post on generatorX .. and check out the links connected to the last year show ‘Perimeters, Boundaries and Borders’, which already lists some of the artists.
Another exhibition – found via generatorX’s comprehensive information – shows the experimental work of filmmaker and musician T.Fleisch. The mentioned film ‘energie‘ meanwhile can be downloaded from the artist’s website.
the tv/video screen comes alive by a controlled beam of electrons in the cathode ray tube. for ‘energie!’ an uncontrolled high voltage discharge of approximately 30.000 volts exposes multiple sheets of photographic paper which are then arranged in time to create new visual systems of electron organization. |