the world sits silent aside …

.. and what one hears officially does not make it easy to find words of one’s own on what is happening between Lebanon, Palestine, Israel and its other neighbours these days … and it’s even harder to find some official lines which at least try to give some balance to that what is going on: each israeli death iseems to be counted accuratly – the ones on the other side obviously are not to be consider as that grave …
In this unbelievable one-sidedness of the media reports it is a relief to come across this taz page (german link/babelfish english) with collected email statements giving voice to the opinions of a younger generation living in different countries of the middle east (Israel, Syria and Palestine):

Die Welt sitzt stumm daneben
Junge Menschen aus dem Nahen Osten sind des Konflikts überdrüssig. Sie fordern Israel auf, Verantwortung für seine Taten zu übernehmen. Der Rest der Welt soll nicht nur zusehen, sondern endlich handeln, sagen sie …

The world sits silently aside
Young persons from the Middle East are fed up with the conflict. They request Israel to take responsibility for its acts. The rest of the world should not only watch, but finally get into action, they say …
(apologies for this link is just leading to a rough babelfish translation of the original article)

.. further links: BBC
open democracy