Stalking the Unseen

In its anouncement of the recent exhibition the Kunsthaus Zurich referes back to “The Responsive Eye”* show at the MOMA NYC in 1965 and as well to the known title ‘Expanded Cinema’ (pdf download). This does not sound too exciting, but includes a nice list of film screenings and artists/filmmakers – like from the rare ‘Warhol’s Exploding Plastic Inevitable‘ (excerpts also via the youtube Velvet Underground documentation), H.Frampton, .. up to recent works of H.Farocki.

The exhibition
“The Expanded Eye”
turns the spotlight on the adventurous, explorative side of art. It focuses on the widened horizons of our vision in an age when the capacities of the human eye have been expanded both physiologically and technically—and in so doing it plays with the viewer’s perceptions.

excerpt Exploding Plastic Inevitable

*(link to coolhunting’s short catalog review)