extended definitions of war

.. coming across an interesting project which describes itself as to aim to oppose war and to call for a “desertion” from a war of words in which facts are created with such force in their communication and propaganda that they can no longer be challenged.

The DICTIONARY OF WAR just started with its first platform meeting in Frankfurt’s Staedelschule a week ago. The project will travel on to other german and austrian cities, but is as well present as an online backup documentation and makes the single concepts presented at the various events accessible to a wider audience …

DICTIONARY OF WAR is about polemics in various respects: It seeks confrontation with a reality that is characterised by the concealment of power relations the more that one talks about war and peace. But it is also about finding out to what extent war may function as an “analyzer of power relations” that constitutes current changes.

Changes that have been producing ever new wordings: The new war, post-modern war, global war, immanent war – all sorts of labels that indicate that the juridical model of sovereignty would seem to have had its day: war as an armed confrontation between sovereign nation states is a thing of the past.

While this still refers to conflict between different interest groups that are defined by the degree of their intensity and extension, unlike in the past war serves to regulate rather than destroy or renew existing power relations.

War is a “constitutive form of a new order” that no longer knows an inside or outside, that not only destroys but also produces life. In this new world order there is no difference between war and non-war: war is perpetual and everywhere.