some news

It is just going through the press that another blogger got imprisoned and is now blogging from jail.
Alaa Ahmed Seif al-Islam maintains together with his wife Manal Hassan the awarded blog posting from egypt.

He was among 11 young people arrested for turning out to support Kifaya activists arrested in last week’s crackdown at the latter’s scheduled hearing this morning. (via globalvoices) ….

.. more news:
Radical Closure‘, programmed by Akram Zaatari, this year’s specific theme at the Oberhausen Filmfestival got a short review in german newspaper taz described as: Particularly impressing was the specially programed topic “Radical Closure” , focusing on war and environments in the Near East – or as arte tv put it in a short report: Radical Closure is ‘showing images, which don’t come within our daily media reports’.