Sabina Spielrein

… appeared several times in the correspondence between Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung, yet there was very little information about her. She came from Russia and was Jung’s first analysis-patient in the Burghölzli clinic in Zürich.
After successful treatment, (Jung diagnosed Hysteria) she studied medicine, became one of the first women in Freud’s Psychoanalytical Society in Vienna and worked as an analyst and child-psychologist herself. Her scientific work was known, but did not provide any further information about her fate.
read more from the film’s website

The film My name was Sabina Spielrein is an impressive and interesting tracing of one of the first women who entered the psychoanalytic field – first as a patient and later then as a researcher herself.

to follow up -> some links:
short comments on the film / and another one in german
book: A Secret Symmetry