A really readworthy consideration emerging from re-thinking development and processes around media festivals and especially in regards of this year’s transmediale (and it’s predecessors) comes via Armin Medosch’s post Good Bye Reality! How Media Art Died But Nobody Noticed (subtitled: Subjective notes about Transmediale 2006) at mazine.ws.
… As the industries turn out new hard- and softwares in ever accelerating cycles and the big machines of war and business keep using those technologies to control and determine our lives, we need to keep being able to identify spaces where we can throw in the spanner, create engagement, real participation and what I would call real virtuality: not the empty promises of virtual worlds but the virtuality or potentiality of utopian change in the real world, as technologically enhanced as it may be. …
earlier mindgap posts on the transmediale event