being blamed for a name / disappeared

“It’s a very common name in the Middle East and here. But now it’s evil.”- Osama Shalabi (composer)
via a CBC note

Being Osama is a film about prejudices just deduced by a name and the impact on peoples lifes ….
see further comments and reviews:What’s in a name?” via Montreal Mirror, Daily Star review via Blogging Beirut and for film distribution

UPDATE (11.07.05): .. as related can be seen the actual event of Disappeared in America

Text over the image reads (follow image link for more):

In a lawsuit brought by a 22-member coalition, including Center for National Security Studies, ACLU and Amnesty International, a Federal judge rules that the US government must reveal names of hundreds of people detained after 9/11. The decision was later overturned by an appeals court on grounds of “national security”, so the names remain secret.

thanks Nina…

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