Visible City

hm… sounds nice to be there: at the images festival in Toronto with a symposium on the Visible City with speakers like Kaja Silverman on how to perceive the unseeable and WJT Mitchell on The War of Images, 2001–present. In general it announces:

A two-day series of lectures and panels bringing together cultural theorists, architects and Images artists. The city as an intersection of technology, communication and aesthetics: global media have opened a multitude of channels for the flow of information and capital across time and space. Art circulates through these circuits and outside them in the material environments of cities. This connection to everyday life positions artists as political innovators who transcend the borders of cities and create new forms of democratic expression.

2 thoughts on “Visible City

  1. wow..thanx for the heads-up…im from Toronto, so i shld know about this, but i had to find out about it through you in ???…im off the loop 🙂

  2. hi Rob, I am located in Berlin, but stayed last year around this time for 2 months in Toronto and to read about this festival and symposium made me wish to be there again ….

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