Fair Assembly wants to make things public (zkm). The introduction establishes a comparison to the experiences of bringing-publics-together on World Fairs – described as events one only wants to participate in with some inner distance, a wish which eventually isn’t that easy to fulfill anymore. Consequently taking up the terminology of Very Large Scale Conversations […]Read More
hm… sounds nice to be there: at the images festival in Toronto with a symposium on the Visible City with speakers like Kaja Silverman on how to perceive the unseeable and WJT Mitchell on The War of Images, 2001–present. In general it announces: A two-day series of lectures and panels bringing together cultural theorists, architects […]Read More
is the title of a new book which triggered my attention as for sure it is not only their assumption that fear is everywhere, dominating public discussion, driving the political debate, making us long for times gone by.. The book describes projects, research and performances of a group of young designers and architects which tried […]Read More
1) … there are suddenly some problems with firefox here and I haven’t figured it out yet …. sorry for that UPDATE: .. ok slightly improved again except for the old flaws and missing trackback .. 2) I just came across to know that issue on wordpress’ advertising practise via Danah Boyd and think she […]Read More
We look to the subatomic level for evidence of a new uncharted territory or a new sublime only at the risk of ignoring how all that is perceivable may be or has already been encoded as a proprietary interest. The electrons can play all they want, but we aggregates may find ourselves seduced by the […]Read More