syrian bride

This new film made by the israeli filmmaker Eran Riklis, who wrote the script in collaboration with the Palestinian scriptwriter Suha Arraf already has been touring the world and picking up awards at European and Canadian film festivals.

Though the film is called The Syrian Bride, the story is about much more than the title character, Mona. Played by Clara Khoury (who also starred as a bride in Rana’s Wedding), Mona doesn’t have very many lines in this new Israeli film. Instead, she acts as a gravitational body that the main themes of the film orbit around — her sister Amal’s unhappy marriage, the problems of tribal politics, the Israeli occupation of the Syrian Golan Heights, and on a more abstract level, the broader political conflict in the Middle East. …. (read more at electronicintifada)
A readworthy review in the lebenese newspaper The Daily Star provides further background information and describes as well the problems of the film, which deals around the subject of identity and political crisis challenging borders and boundaries in metaphorical and concrete terms is facing itself.

radio interview with the filmmaker at npr: reflecting fractured lives.
offical website / german version

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