announcements_1: ambientTV.NET / Doors of Perception / New-Media Art

ambientTV.NET understands itself as a space and tool providing facility for networked performance:

The performance incorporates geographically distant real spaces into the theatre space. The narrative grows out of telematic feedback, and the interplay between real spaces and imaginary realms. Daily life’s occupation – Streetwalking, food preparation or conversing – are presented as a narrative act. Rehearsal, orchestration, choreography, improvisation, the unpredictable response of the audience and traces of city walks are brought together by the crossing of data streams that technology allows.

Doors of Perception 8
theme: “Infra: platforms for social innovation and how to design them”

What infrastructures are needed to enable bottom-up, edge-in social innovation? And how do we design them? Doors of Perception 8 is about these two questions.

Doors is a worldwide design and innovation network whose aim is to learn how to design services, some of them enabled by information technology, that meet basic needs in new ways.

further information:
blogging conference news

– New-Media Art:
New-Media Art Education and Its Discontents: Conference announcement and still ongoing call for papers (deadline 21/march)