Basic security panel at transmediale finally mostly focused on the dichotomy of security / insecurity and the self – reproductive processes inherent in those. Via an ‘Ecology of Fear’ evolving through what might be called today as living in a Risk Society Konrad Becker‘s argument diagnosed that this redirects the colonisation of the outer space […]Read More
found here via boingboing an impressive tool to create total immersive images in real time rendering (watch the clip here) ….pfew … I wish I would have had a tool like this during the performative lecture (using real time green box effect) held at merz academy some time ago which was intended to show and […]Read More
first impressions: permeable black walls divide this year’s transmediale exhibition part at the entrance foyer into a black cube system and this seems adequate to express the questions touched in the announcing information: … Although technical products promise enhanced agency and security, we experience an increased disorientation: the ethical question of what one should do […]Read More
a nice and interesting post on space and culture about examining the importance of the crowd in the modern era: .. the web site for the Stanford Humanities Lab collaborative research project on “the rise and fall of the crowd — particularly the revolutionary crowd — in the Western sociopolitical imagination between 1789 and the […]Read More
some points for those coming or being in town the next days …. BASICS – starting from tomorrow transmediale 05 interrogates: what are the BASICS of your culture? is your reality digital or analogue? are you ethical or aesthetical? transmediale is the biggest and most significant festival for art and the creative usage of digital […]Read More
In a recent post I pointed to some threads of thought from an article by Colin Gardner which I experienced as highly interesting for its effort to deduce a theory of multiplicity within the visual from a synthesis of Bergsonian and Deleuzian terms and interpretations. In the following excerpt he continues to outline his thought […]Read More