on visualization of the non-perceivable

Mobile technologies increasingly unfold new layers onto the problem of perception which already accumulated further complexity through digitization. The issue of visualization for these technologies touches not only the understanding of the consequences of their impact on our social behaviour and environment, though it relates at the same time to core problems of the representative in general. Eventhough the extention of factual effects of the non-viewable is not new in the field of science and technology — one easier example here is the development of radio waves — it hasn’t yet been that pervasive as the new technologies promise to be (radio revolution).
Most of the projects which try to deal with those developments still have problems to make their points clear and to translate them into a work which can cover some parts of the occuring complexity convincingly. Despite some obvious facts this common critisism is pointing to, I most of the time appreciate very much the attempts which try to access this difficult field. What I think important is the fact that there is already a sense in trying to develope an understanding for the immense impact of these and future developments … and its ‘side’ effects…

How do you make signage for the invisible? Mobile computer technologies increasingly effect our sense of space and delineate the landscape via signal availability, locative media and information, none of which we can actually see. How do we know what is there if we cannot use our eyes?
Gomes’ recent chalk drawings are imagined urban augmentations, stemming from existing physical geometries, and are a temporary visualisation of invisible signals. … (source / link)

(post for Hye-yoon : ) … ‘keep on going !’)