Mobile technologies increasingly unfold new layers onto the problem of perception which already accumulated further complexity through digitization. The issue of visualization for these technologies touches not only the understanding of the consequences of their impact on our social behaviour and environment, though it relates at the same time to core problems of the representative […]Read More
Related to the recently mentioned limitations and difficulties especially documentary filmakers face due to outdated copyright issues comes this call for action. It offers and asks to distribute further digital versions of Eyes on the Prize, one of the films which screenings are most affected through – as the The Washington Post* (*bugmenot) put it: […]Read More
Bab Al-Shams (The Gate of the Sun) the recent epic film by Yousry Nasrallah after Elias Khoury’s book to tell the story of Palestinians received an extensive review on Al-Ahram weekly and I leave the space to quote from there: … Improbably yet convincingly, the film ends on an optimistic note. Khalil, child of the […]Read More
for the start of the 5th world social forum in Porto Alegro on 26.01., which links me to related thoughts expressed in the recent ‘Le monde diplomatique‘ issue in a comment by Ignacio Ramonet on the already vanishing attention for the tsunami impact: The level of need exposed by the tsunami demonstrates that humanitarian generosity, […]Read More
Colin Gadener has been published with an lengthy article ‘Thinking the unthinkable‘ in the artbrain online journal, which sorrily has no footnotes despite its tour de force through theories of perception and the filmic. I will quote a few passages as they highlight a train of thought I think interesting, eventhough not yet sure to […]Read More published its second online exhibition ‘location is everything’ which among others links to the work of H.Minami. He describes the development of his sound related interface as stimulated through influence … by John Cage, who raised an idea of new type of music composed of noise, and Tom Johnson, who writes about a notion […]Read More
In his article ‘War Porn’ on the images of Abu Ghraib Baudrillard adresses what he calls ‘an immanent justice of the image’: In fact, the Americans have been overtaken by their own power. They do not have the means to control it. And now we are part of this power. The bad conscience of the […]Read More
In an interesting article The Globe and Mail explores the difficulties especially documentary film makers face due to changing copyright laws which make clearance and even re-clearance for elder documentaries almost unaffordable. (via) Some are calling this the new “clearance culture,” in which access to copyrights affects the creation of new art as much as, […]Read More
.. a short collection of links and upcoming events in Berlin: the article Berlin Wheatpasting provides a nice inside view into some nightly activities which leave their traces all over the city (via Design Observer) KLARTEXT (straight talk) 14.01. – 16.01.2005 – A conference that aims … to explore the current use of the category […]Read More
… who experienced the failures of communication and experiemented with them on many levels … The Dream of the Audience is a still touring exhibition recalling the ‘body of her work’.Read More
.. continuing on the issue of fear of terrorism the three part series aired on BBC last october under the title ‘The Powers of Nightmares‘ (part2, part3) seems to be one of the rare productions offering a different view, which includes some analysis in general politics. The film written and produced by Adam Curtis explores […]Read More
concerning this point the upcoming elections in Palestine and Iraq have something in common. As both areas share as well to be too easily condemmed for terrorism in western opinion the currently ongoing debate on open democracy for the forthcoming Madrid summit on terror and democracy may help to question approach and understanding. Karin von […]Read More