May 30, 2004
processing identity
.. as to signal identifications, which are processing from multipicity, construction, mobility, .. whilst searching for some background material to remember the quote, which has been on my mind in collecting sparks for a general interpretation of the cultural effect of digitation I came across this and to the decision to make it short and link further:
.. as to signal identifications, which are processing from multipicity, construction, mobility, .. whilst searching for some background material to remember the quote, which has been on my mind in collecting sparks for a general interpretation of the cultural effect of digitation I came across this and to the decision to make it short and link further:
The Other is not outside, but also inside the Self, the identity. So identity is a process, identity is split. Identity is not a fixed point but an ambivalent point, Identity is also the relationship of the Other to oneself
....from this collection of S.Hall excerpts
Widely discussed in the 90s it still seems to be one of the more difficult tasks to accept the notion of ambivalence in re-thinking contemporary concepts. The general idea evolves through the process and not in cutting it off, thus the inherent ambivalence is a necessary part of processing in order to realize the various possibilities... mulitiplicities ... and states of fragmentation ...The Other is not outside, but also inside the Self, the identity. So identity is a process, identity is split. Identity is not a fixed point but an ambivalent point, Identity is also the relationship of the Other to oneself
....from this collection of S.Hall excerpts