Architecture and Identity

… is an upcoming event scheduled for December 6 – 8 2004 to take place at the House of World Cultures, Berlin, and will be concepted around the following question: (link)

“Is there something like a reflected indigenousness?”
This question could well be applied to the ongoing discourse about cultural identity in architecture. It has been asked by the sociologists Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens, and Scott Lash (1994) in developing the concept of “reflexive modernization”.

The conference is part of a research project that describes itself as following:

This research project will examine how the “own” as a cultural identity is being constructed in contemporary architecture and how both internal and external projections of cultural identity are influencing the development of contemporary architecture.
An international work group including different disciplines from different countries and institutes has been set up for this purpose. Five in-depth studies will be made in countries or regions where a corresponding discussion has already some momentum. The countries are Singapore, Mexico, Brazil, India and the Middle East.