Smart Laura Marks (former posts) pointed me towards the following inventor of the algorythmic concept: Al-Khwarizmi. He is listed at wikipedia as the developer
At the Piet Zwart Institute Florian Cramer’s stimulating abstract on: Executable Code and the Cultural Imagination: A Sketch of a History. can be found, eventhough I would be curious to look into the entire text …..
spells to computer viruses.
.. and ZKM is showing as recent exhibition: Algorithmic Revolution: On the History of Interactive Art. In the artistic part the ZKM starts with kinetics and dadism of the 20s of 20th century, and the theoretical overview does not look back further than into european / western history of renaissance area, such as art books from Piero della Francesca and Albrecht Dürer. The practical examples listed on the website mention works from last century’s 50s onwards ranging from musicians like Cage and fluxus artists to early computer grafics like those of Herbert W. Franke.