.. blurred distinctions of hybridity

… within a space, which as beneath offering different and new possibilities, is too often negotiated as an area without pre-defined occupancy. Thus almost ignoring the inherent attitudes, which also in this field of media developments are reflecting back on cultural implications … eventhough certainly accompanied by new possibilities, offering and demanding for further inquiry:

The marginalization of postcolonial studies within cyberfeminism is due to various factors including the inconspicuousness of postcolonial theory in most of Europe, and inherited, often unquestioned attitudes towards ethnic and racial difference. As is common in new fields, cyberfeminists adopted aspects of a previously established body of theoretical work in electronic media. Despite the theoretical eclecticism evident in this field, during the last twenty years, the impact of postcolonial studies on electronic media practice, theory, and criticism has been negligible.(5) ….

In cyberfeminism, the difference most celebrated and discussed (apart from sexual orientation) is the often-narcissistic construction of the self as Other by adopting the cyborg and the monster as figures of liberation and self-representation. To be sure, the transformation to ‘cyborgs’ of bodies previously cast as ‘unfit’ has been uplifting and enabling for numerous individuals. Yet, a cyborg identity is primarily claimed by those categorized as the norm in previous colonial and eugenic taxonomies: If you are white, educated and affluent, the cyborg is your ticket to difference.(6) ….

As radical net critics have repeatedly pointed out, cyberspace is not an arena inherently free of the old feminist struggle against a patriarchal capitalist system. The new media are embedded in a framework of pan-capitalist social relations and economic, political, and cultural environments that are still deeply sexist and racist….
Pan-capitalism has blurred the distinctions between developed / underdeveloped, first world / third world as these conditions coexist in almost all geographical locations. In the aftermath of colonialism, there are more migrants, refugees and exiles than ever before and many of these migrants are women. These people have tremendous impact on the urban environment, the home, the careers, the language, culture, diet, and, ultimately, the subjectivity of people from the traditional imperial centers. … read pdf

… excerpts from Domain Errors via