blogging netart<

.. as an interesting development the exhibition format for netart – at least in this case – was changed into a weblog:

Welcome to the Stunned Net Art open 2004. In this the third year of the Net Art Open we have made major changes to the format of the exhibition. As in previous years in our attempt to remove curatorial bias and to present a snapshot of the state of the art an open call for entries was made and every entry which met the entry criteria was accepted. In previous incarnations we found that even with the best will in the world it was difficult for a visitor to the site to check out every entry . So we have decided to blog the current edition and to provide RSS feeds so you can follow the exhibition with your newsfeed readers.

One thought on “blogging netart<

  1. In Zeiten von massenhaft Websitenmüll im Internet eine sehr gut aufgebaute Website, nicht überdimensioniertes Design und sehr gut recher-schierte Hintergrundinformationen.

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