Constraining metaphors and the transnationalisation of spaces in Berlin

As I promised to search some german texts on hybridity/identity issues .. and for reasons of sufficiency I will put them below here. But first I prefer – to post a hint (can’t be a link – as the paper is not freely accessible) to Ayse S. Çaglar’s paper, which I read another time .. she

argues that ‘ghetto’ is a root metaphor of German political culture and explores how this concept, which situates minorities in stigmatised ethnocultural sites in the city, confines the frameworks and the terminology of immigration debates and the representation of immigrants in the social imaginary in Germany. The ghetto trope of immigrant discourse in Berlin reduces the inscription of difference and belonging in urban space to a simple model of seclusion based on ethnic ties. … the abstract is available here

following links are accessible, eventhough this one is even more specific on Berlin situation Stay As You Are! But At What Cost?, and those leading to mainly german texts on hybridity/identity, as mentioned …
Kien Nghi Ha: Hybride Bastarde, Eva Kimmich, Identität in der Globalen Kultur / Identity in Global Culture, Ökzan Bucakli/Julia Reuter