After an effectless search for an article on blogging, which I thought to have been reading recently on wired ... drifting again .. Then finally I was lucky to come across that nice article of danah boyd,Read More
NEWSgrist is an e-zine devoted to the politics of art and culture in the digital age; dedicated to bridging gaps between the digital and the non-technical,
… as Mostar’s ‘old bridge’ got rebuild…. The bridge’s rebuilding has been welcomed by many, says our correspondent, but no-one is underestimating the gaps that still remain between Bosnia’s ethnic groups. from bbc image sourceRead More
The usefulness or uselessness of personal expression is going to be discussed since the first blogs appeared. Now blog entries are going to be linked at from google news page, as just happened viaRead More
"I find myself especially drawn by such engaging new beings as the tomato with a gene from a cold-sea-bottom-living flounder." -- Donna Haraway.. some still provocative thoughts from D. Haraway on hybrid forms from her book < Read More
got absorbed through overanxious official reactions, as it obviously has to be avoided to face the ambiguity of own and already - silently as common introduced - strategies, when looked at from a different angle.Read More
This online, edited collection explores discursive, visual, social, and other communicative features of weblogs. Essays analyze and critique situated cases and examples drawn from weblogs and weblog communities.