In her recent article Anne Galloway delivers an interesting and compressed view on inbetween spaces. She focuses on places mainly attached to the definition of transitional areas, both in terms of space and time – which simultaneously inherent concepts of differentiation, as well as linking options. Thus, as she empasizes, they form a tool necessary for the ability to endure ambiguity and allow multiplicity. Hybrid forms in this sense can be interpreted as states of becoming, .. defining new rules, playing along unseen lines, inherenting a script not known yet ….
In-between spaces, such as the beach between the ocean and the land, are interesting examples of ambiguity and multiplicity. Anthropologists have long studied cultural rituals that create and shape these and other liminal spaces. Liminal spaces are thresholds or transitions from one state to another, such as the space between no longer being a girl and not yet being a woman. From competitive games to narrative performances, rites of passage often involve play as a means to create these new relations, to flow between ambiguity and certainty, multiplicity and singularity. Anthropologist Marc Augé writes about similar non-spaces, such as airports, in which we are neither at home nor at our destinations. In these ways, liminal or non-spaces are becomings and similar forms of transition, as well as hybrids, where relations between people and objects are in flux. Cultural theorists Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari describe related processes in their accounts of de-territorialization or becoming – which occurs along lines of flight that cut across states of being.