constitution of
reality |
is to say: representation cannot be simply tested against reality,
as reality is itself constituted through the agency of representations.'
('in/different spaces', p. 238, Burgin, Victor) |
With the invention of photography first and film later the claim of
perspective to be reality became less convincing, and new concepts
for the constitution of reality were created. One main point then
was the actuality of the image: what could be photographed or filmed
must have been in front of the camera lens. In this sense the image
was dialectical, because it sets up a relationship between the present
viewer and the past moments of space or time which were represented.
'.. In other words: an image is dialectics at standstill. For while
the relation of the present to the past is a purely temporal, continuous
one, the relation of the then to the now is dialectical: not of a
temporal, but of imagistic nature.' (W.Benjamin)1Barthes
mentioned that one defining attribute of photography was that the
object has been real. On the other side he stated the madness of the
representations a photographed image gives, he saw it as a 'bizarre
medium, a new form of hallucination: false on the level of perception,
true on the level of time ...' (1981)2 So
photography created a new relationship to the experience of time,
which marked the paradoxical symptoms of modernity very clearly. |

1 'Visual Culture (an
introduction)', p.50
Mirozoeff, Nicholas |
2 'Visual Culture (an
introduction)', p.250
Mirozoeff, Nicholas |
Photographs and films offer
a far more democratic visual map of the world, than the perspective
system, which handed all comprehension to the powerful viewpoint from
which it was drawn. Eventhough it is still a selective view through
specific apparatuses and serving the needs of distinct subjectivities,
we came very much to rely our constitution of reality on them. Especially
photography claimed to picture the world and index reality. This fundamentally
changed with the development of the digital image, which is created
from binary code. There is no more evidence in the representation
as reality now, because it can quite easily be manipulated by computers.
But the discovery of the lack of reality is inherently connected to
the discovery of the invention of other realities, Lyotard stated
in 1993. 'As one mode of representing reality loses ground another
takes its place without the first disappearing.'3
The virtualities of the postmodern images are further eluding our
capacity of comprehension by the appearance of the paradoxical image
as Virilio specified in 1994 (The Vision Machine). For him the real-time
image dominates the object represented / transmitted and thereby dissolves
it. |
3 'Visual Culture (an
introduction)', p.7
Mirozoeff, Nicholas
4 'The Visual Culture Reader',
p.186, Mirozoeff, Nicholas

But 'with the creation of
digital imagery also the relationship between observer and observed
has changed. There is no longer any necessary or logical connection
between a virtual image and exterior reality.'4
As well emerged an increasing visualization of things that are not
themselves visual, at least for the human.
'Visualizing technologies
seem without apparent limit; the eye of any ordinary primate like
us can be endlessly enhanced by sonography systems, magnetic resonance
imaging, artificial intelligence-linked graphic manipulation systems,
scanning electron microscopes, computer-aided tomography scanners,
colour-enhancement techniques, satellite surveillance systems, home
and office VDT`s, cameras for every purpose from filming the mucous
membrane lining the gut cavity of a marine worm living in the vent
gases on a fault between continental plates to mapping a planetary
hemisphere elsewhere in the solar system.'5'
the truth of what we see is no longer given by our eyes but by our
instruments and their scientific interpretation or military appropriation.
More disturbing, these prostetic visual devices unanchor natural perception
from the field of human body`s natural capacities.'6

5 'Visual Culture (an
introduction)', p.191
Haraway, Donna
6 'machinic vision', p.30
Johnston, John
7 'in/different spaces', p.36
Burgin, Victor
8 'Visual Culture (an
introduction)', p.250
Mirozoeff, Nicholas
9 'machinic vision', p.30
Johnston, John |
The crisis of the visual in the era
of postmodernism where paradoxically almost everything 'is increasingly
formed and informed, inflected and refracted'7
through images, evolves exactly from the acceleration and the cirulation
of images. It no longer can be distinguished from where they do come,
because 'the humanistic distinction between the real and the virtual
has disolved.'8 What Virilio has stated
before - the final undermination of the age-old problematic of the
site where mental images are formed and that of the consolidation
of natural memory has become a generalized cultural condition.9

10 'Visual Culture (an
introduction)', p.257
Mirozoeff, Nicholas |
There is no longer any visual
carrier material at all, any digital information can be put down and
described by algorythms. |
So the notion of the world-picture,
can no longer stand for the changing situation. Today visual culture
has to deal with a fragmented view and complex pictures, which are
not created from one medium or in one place. The attention is drawn
from structured and formal viewing settings to the visual experience
of everyday life, which has to deal with global circulation and accumulation
of images and therefore signs. The new configurations of the global
and local come via images and these are by no means simple or one-dimensional.
Rather, as Gramsci noted of the national-popular, it is an ambiguous,
contradictory and multi-form concept.10
11 'Visual Culture (an
introduction)', p.13
Mirozoeff, Nicholas
12 'perform or else', p.208
McKenzie, Jon
13 'The Visual Culture Reader',
p.253, Mirozoeff, Nicholas |
'In short seeing is not
believing but interpreting. Visual images succeed or fail according
to the extent that we can interpret them successfully.'11
With the images driven from digital data today it seem obvious that
they are mere representations and not depicting something real in
themselves. Today performative utterances, like actions, events, doings,
are understood to be crucial to the construction of reality, a construction
that is sociotechnically ordered. 12
Years before G.Debord wrote: In societies where modern conditions
of production prevail, all of life presents itself as an immense accumulation
of spectacles. Everything that was directly lived has moved away into
a representation. 13 |